Thankigiving, it's not too late, but better get to it now.
If you haven't yet, do it now, sign up for sale notifications from your preferred airlines and follow your favorites on Twitter and Facebook, where special sale notifications may pop up before they are available to the general public.
Believe it or not, the best day to travel at a good rate is actually Thanksgiving day. Most people have gone a day or two before, making more available seats that day. And of course the more available seats, the better the price.
Using only a carry on bag will save you time at the airport. During the winter months, flights are often delayed or cancelled so it is best to have everything you need easy to get to.
Color Coordination is the key to efficiency. Every item you bring should be paired with every item you bring. Mix and multiple as needed. Darker colors are preferred, don't show any accidents as easily.
For just the weekend I would take one pair dark slacks and 1 pair of jeans. Probably wear the jeans on the plane. Casual tops to go with either one. Some nice jewelry, and a scarf or shawl to dress up for dinner or an evening out.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a good travel experience.
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What some friends do when flying and for longer stays is to ship their clothing by UPS or USPS. That way, they have only a carry on bag and no additional fees. They can ship it back home when the visit is over.